I’m getting closer!

I figure I need to get to at least a 175 to make things happen, so I’m definitely on my way. And while I am feeling pretty great about myself for getting to this point, I have to temper the excitement because this is still an untimed score. I can’t really say that it reflects what my actual performance would be if I were to take the test today. In fact, I can say with certainty that there’s no way I’d come close to finishing any of the sections in 35 minutes today.

The current plan is to take as many practice tests as it takes to get to a consistent untimed 175ish, and then start speeding it up. I hope to start the speeding up process by September or so, so that I can take at least a half dozen timed full tests before the real thing.

6 thoughts on “168

  1. I think it depends, as less people are applying to Law Schools, especially costly ones. The loans needed are scaring people off with the reality of what Lawyers actually make now. You might have more wiggle room than you think with your LSAT score.

    • I think you’re right. But the reality of a 3.3 undergrad GPA, even though it will be a decade in the past by the time I attend law school and even though I have a 3.9 graduate GPA in a reading/writing/analysis field, will still hurt me. I’m pretty sure the 168 could get me into the bottom 100 schools, but I need scholarships and I’m not sure the 3.3/168 is good enough for all I need even at those schools. So back to the books. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Hey I’m glad that you are getting closer to your goal score!… I plan on taking the LSAT this October, any advice on how to start studying? And where did you find practice LSAT test? I’ve looked online but I only find the LSAT from 2007

    • I started by reading a few posts on lawschooli.com and asking some friends who are lawyers. I heard about the PowerScore Bibles from them and a grad school classmate who is currently a law librarian at a private firm. These books are fabulous. I went in unable to even guess at the “games” and now I’m consistently scoring 90% or better per section on preptests. The lawschooli.com guys have a good list of books for self-study (http://lawschooli.com/lsat-prep-books-self-study/), and I currently own 1, 2, 4, and 5. There are 13 full, official LSAT preptests between 4 and 5. The tests in 5 are older (from the 90s) but are still very valuable. However, since the test has changed/evolved so much since then, it’s a good idea (as far as I can tell from the lawschooli guys) to do those and more modern ones (see their list). I plan to finish the book I’m testing through now and then buy the two most recent ones next. Good luck and thanks for stopping by!

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